Get data

This endpoint returns observation data for the given filter.


Simple Request

Input is a list of datasetId and timeseries key.

Name TypeDescription  
DatasetIdString Unique dataset identifier
TimerseriesKey Int Timeseries key.

 Full Request

Name Type Description
TimeSeriesTimeseriesDescriptor The TimeseriesDescriptor contains
  1. datasetIds : Unique datasetId
  2. TimeseriesKeys : Timeseies key
StartDateDate Timeseries start date
EnddateDate Timeseries end date
FrequencyChar Frequency of Data required( A= Annual ;S=SemiAnnually; Q=Quarterly; W=Weekly; D=Daily)
CustomFieldsBool Includes additional dimensional metadata associated with each dimension as part of output


Array of Observation Data

Name Type Description
datasetString Unique identifier for a dataset
idInt Timeseries key
metadataArray[DimensionalDetails] List of Dimension details.
Consist of
  • dim:Dimension id
  • key: Dimension member key(The dimension member key associated with this timeseries)
  • name: Dimension member name.
  • RegionId: Region code for the member of geographical dimension
startDateDate First Observation value's date.
endDateDate Most recent observation value's date.
scaleValueInt The default scale value. "data" needs to be multiplied by this value to obtain absolute observation data value.
unitString Unit of output data
frequencyChar Denotes the frequency of data available.
Frequency of data can be of the following types
  1. annual
  2. semiannual
  3. quarterly
  4. monthly 
  5. weekly   
  6. daily
dataArray[double] Observation values with the first value corresponding to the startdate and the last value corresponding to endDate.
null values can be present and correspond to missing data.



      "TimeseriesKey": 1000000,
      "DatasetId": "OMINF2016"
      "TimeseriesKey": 1000010,
      "DatasetId": "OMINF2016"


            "name":"Grand Total - Transmission & Broadcasting Hours :Daily - No",
            "full-name":"Television & Radio (Governmental)\Grand Total - Transmission & Broadcasting Hours :Daily - No.",
            "u1575u1604u1575u1587u1605-u1575u1604u1603u1575u1605u1604":"التلفزيون و الاذاعة ( حكومي )\اجمالي ساعات الارسال التلفزيوني والاذاعي اليومي- عدد",
      "startDate":"Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT",
      "endDate":"Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT",
            "name":"No. Total Television Broadcasting Hours- Daily",
            "full-name":"Grand Total - Transmission & Broadcasting Hours :Daily - No.\ No. Total Television Broadcasting Hours- Daily",
            "u1575u1604u1575u1587u1605-u1575u1604u1603u1575u1605u1604":"اجمالي ساعات الارسال التلفزيوني والاذاعي اليومي- عدد\اجمالي ساعات الارسال التلفزيوني اليومي - عدد",
      "startDate":"Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT",
      "endDate":"Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT",

 Full request

    Timeseries: [
      "TimeseriesKey": 1000000,
      "DatasetId": "OMINF2016"
      "TimeseriesKey": 1000010,
      "DatasetId": "OMINF2016"
    StartDate: "01/01/2010",
    EndDate: "01/01/2016",
    Frequency: "A",
    CustomFields: true
            "name":"Grand Total - Transmission & Broadcasting Hours :Daily - No",
            "full-name":"Television & Radio (Governmental)\Grand Total - Transmission & Broadcasting Hours :Daily - No.",
            "u1575u1604u1575u1587u1605-u1575u1604u1603u1575u1605u1604":"التلفزيون و الاذاعة ( حكومي )\اجمالي ساعات الارسال التلفزيوني والاذاعي اليومي- عدد",
      "startDate":"Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT",
      "endDate":"Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT",
            "name":"No. Total Television Broadcasting Hours- Daily",
            "full-name":"Grand Total - Transmission & Broadcasting Hours :Daily - No.\ No. Total Television Broadcasting Hours- Daily",
            "u1575u1604u1575u1587u1605-u1575u1604u1603u1575u1605u1604":"اجمالي ساعات الارسال التلفزيوني والاذاعي اليومي- عدد\اجمالي ساعات الارسال التلفزيوني اليومي - عدد",
      "startDate":"Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:00:00 GMT",
      "endDate":"Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 GMT",